

For Installing the software needed to work with Creative Scala. There are 3 pathways:

  1. Text editor and a terminal:

    Recommended by Creative Scala tutorial

  2. Intellij-Scala-Bundle:

    Significantly saves installation time

    Recommended for people who have no preference/ don’t know which one to use/ have no environment setup

  3. Intellij IDEA:

    Setup/ Config required

    Suitable for people who are familiar with Intellij.

Text Editor & Terminal


The installation steps can be viewed in Creative Scala tutorial.

General Workflow

Finding an efficient workflow is important. In Creative Scala, students are likely to run code much more frequently, and make much smaller changes, than is typical in most development workflows. I find the fastest workflow to use the :paste command in the Scala console. A lot of people don’t know about this so here’s a quick rundown of how to use it:


The bundle saves a significant amount of time if the student do not have anything setup on the machine.

After downloading the bundle, you can simply extract the archive and run the application.

Download the bundle

Please visit here.

For installing the bundle

Please visit here

Intellij IDEA

A brief installation guide can be found on Creative Scala.

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